Main Priority

The main priority right now is to get all 500+ addons previewed in the current format. Currently over 250 are done.

Having 250 addons on the same poses quite a few navigatory hurdles. I have few things in mind to address these issues, once all addons are documented.

Jump to menu

Currenly jump to menu is just a long list of links. In the future, it utilize the horizontal space much better. Problem is that 99% of content is written in GFM (github flavored markdown) and I don’t want to start messing with CSS until I’m done.

Back to top button

Sometimg like a floating arrow that allows you to jump back to the top of the page is going to be added


Having so many addon previews loaded at the same time is unnecessary. Once main priority is finished, paging will be added, which would allow you to choose how many addons to load per page, thus still keeping the option to load all previews, if it desired.

Infinite scrolling

This is another alternative to the paging option. Not sure which one I like more. Maybe both?

Other features


I’d like to added commenting functionality, to allow others to contribute easier, but that requires implementing somekind of a database, to generate dynamic content. This would involve using something like Firebase, or moving away from GitHub pages to a more traditional host.

Uploading addons

This is the end goal, that everyone could submit and document their addons, but it’s not something that will happen anytime soon, unfortunately.